Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tired of Email Newsletters?

It seems like everybody and their duck is sending out an email newsletter these days. It's cheap, it's easy, and it's getting annoying. Yes, you can track the click throughs, and see who opens it, and yes that's all valuable. The same applies to Facebook, and Twitter, and all the other super-efficient electronic ways to get your message to your target audience.

But when people get eight, or eighty, of these things a day, it gets a little tiring. And, it gets to be that your constant contacts, on top of everybody else's constant contacts can become constant irritants. Do you really want to be part of what irritates your clients and customers?

The success of most organizations is still built on personal relationships. If you really want to be noticed, and really want to connect with people, I'll suggest three radical new technologies - picking up the phone, mailing an actual letter, and going for lunch.

Not to say that technology isn't useful. But when everybody's doing the same things, with the same technologies, you can stand out by using less technology to build more personal connections.

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