Thursday, May 5, 2011

Maybe You Don't Need a Plan

Working on business development for a company selling industrial LED lighting into the Saskatchewan market, their sales manager felt there was no need for a plan. "It's simple. Show a sample of the product. Do an energy audit. Ask for a pilot project. Then it'll sell itself. We don't need marketing. We don't need a plan. We just need someone to get out there, roll up our sleeves, and get to work."

That does make good sense and there is truth to the idea that you don't need a plan to succeed. Clearly, if you don't get out there to sell, the chances of success are very small. So, if you do get out there to sell, the chances of success are much better. But, if you do get out there to sell, and you also have the support of good marketing materials, and you know what your competitors are offering, and your prospects already have a warm feeling about you because of your local advertising and communications and sponsorships, and your sales people are approaching the most lucrative markets because you've identified them in your plan, then your chances of success are MUCH better.

So, maybe you don't need a plan. You can just roll up your sleeves and get to work. But if you come up against a competitor who's rolled up their sleeves AND also has a plan, they'll likely whup your pasty white tush. And, in business, that's not as fun as you might imagine.

So, yes, roll up your sleeves and get to work. But do it with the direction and support of a great plan. It's more efficient. It's more effective.

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