Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Boss Botches Bag, Nurse Nags Nicely

  1. Intravenous solution causes a red track up the patient's arm.
  2. IV disconnected, and replaced with new bag.
  3. Shift supervisor prepares a form to send to the lab to see if it's contaminated.
  4. Nurse says "I think we should send the name of the patient with it as well. The lab might have to talk to them, if they find something."
  5. Supervisor overrides her, saying "They don't need that."
  6. Not much later, the lab phones down and says they need the patient's name.
  7. The nurse informs the supervisor, and does very well not to say "I told you so".
How often does the hierarchy interfere with the daily work at your business? Usually, the people who do the work are truly the experts. If you're the boss, stop telling the workers how to do the job, and start asking them how you can help them do it better.

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