Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Costs Don't Matter

Two comparable business owners were looking to purchase the same software package.

One focused extensively on the cost of the software, aggressively negotiating price, challenging the vendor's recommendations for training, and doing everything in his power to keep the costs down.

The other focused extensively on what the software could do for his company, looking at how it could free up time and resources, add capacity, and improve efficiency. Really looking at how much more money they could make by using the software.

Both ended up buying the software, but the second had far greater success with the implementation, even though he paid more for both the software and the training. Sure, it's important to manage cash flow, and not spend foolishly. But if a purchased solution is going to help your business earn ten times the cost of the solution, the question shouldn't be "got anything cheaper?" but "how soon can we start?"

The cost of a solution doesn't really matter. The value of the solution, in comparison to the cost, is what we ought to focus on.

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