In the music business, many musicians like
Kim Fontaine and
Jay Semko of Saskatoon are doing more home parties rather than bar gigs, preferring the intimate casual exchange in someone's home to the performance feel of a public gig.
Similarly, it seems that more and more of what I'm doing is based on conversation rather than presentation. Interviews, interactive training, facilitation - all of this is heavy on conversation and dialogue, rather than one-way output of information. I've come to prefer this, as have clients.

Building on this, I'm introducing a new service today:
Ten Conversation About Productivity, For Leadership Teams. This is a series of ten in-depth, facilitated conversations about improving productivity. With the management team from an organization, we explore the leading approaches to "getting more done", and discuss how they fit with your organization. The biggest challenge is figuring out how to do this without just demanding more from your already hardworking employees.
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